Way Feeder Clamp One Side For RG213 Cable 4

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SKU: FCCC-Cl-303388 Categories: , ,

This feeder clamp is used to keep RG213 cable. The Feeder clamps are widely used in site installation to fix coaxial feeder cables to base towers (BTS). The unique shape of each clamp has been designed to transfer grip equally around the cable giving maximum security and minimum stress. Installation of cable in clamp is as rotating and the plastic piece can be rotated in both directions. The material of these products is high standard stainless steel and high quality PP with 30% glass fiber.

• Anti-corrosion
• High Resistance to UV, humidity and salt spray
• High resistance to temperature variations (from -30 c to 120 c)
•Stainless with high quality for microwave and mobile systems
• Plastic material is fiberglass Polypropylene , and has high resistance to friability
• Absolute safety for cables
• Firm, durable and high releability
• Quick and easy installation
• Compliant with ISO, ASTM, UL94 and etc

Technical Specifications
cable size RG 213
Cable runs 4 ways
Plastic component,Material
Polypropylene (PP) anti UV
Metal component,Material
Stainless steel 304
Resistance to corrosion
Young’s modulus 1.9e11 Pa
Thermal conductivity
16 (W/m.K)


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